Being a teacher in a college

teacher in a college

French, mathematics, history and geography, life and earth sciences, living languages, music, visual arts, physical education and sports, etc. The disciplines and teachings are numerous. However, the mission of the teacher, whatever his discipline, remains the same: to develop the knowledge and skills of the students, their critical spirit, to support them in professional discovery, to lead them to become citizens and to prepare them for their future choices of guidance .

In middle school, it is particularly a question of supporting students in their development , giving them the tools to learn to think , to understand the world in which they live as well as to develop their capacities to express ideas and develop concepts.

At the heart of the educational community , the teacher ensures the individual monitoring and evaluation of each student by verifying the acquisition of the fundamental knowledge set by the common base of knowledge, skills and culture.

There are three sets of missions for middle school teachers:

missions related to the teaching service  : preparation and research time necessary for the completion of teaching hours, monitoring, evaluation and student guidance activities inherent in the teaching mission, work in a pedagogical or multi-professional team, relations with the parents of pupils.

the additional missions carried out by certain teachers, through specific responsibilities for carrying out educational actions in the interest of the pupils. These missions can be exercised at the level of an establishment or at the academic level.

His daily life: pedagogy at the service of student success

 A professional in learning methods , the middle school teacher builds his courses in accordance with the programs to support the progress of the students and the class throughout the school year, taking into account the various profiles of the middle school students.

It provides 18 hours of lessons per week. But his work is not limited to class attendance. Added to this are the missions related to the teaching service: lesson preparation time , correction of homework and monitoring of relations with parents of students , class councils, etc. He may also be required to write exam papers, supervise tests, correct exam papers or participate in juries. He can also carry out the mission of head teacher and thus contribute to the follow-up, to the information and to the preparation of the orientation of the pupils of a class. The teacher must also carry out transversal educational projects with his colleagues, for example by setting up interdisciplinary activities or class outings, as a team and in partnership with associations or institutions.

Member of the educational team , he contributes to the design and implementation of the school project . It participates in the action of the educational community, cooperates with the parents of pupils and with the partners of the National Education to support the pupils in their training course. He is involved in the life of the establishment by being part of the educational council , the school-college council or the board of directors.

Open to others , he has a taste for dialogue and knows how to involve the entire ecosystem that he builds as a team around the students: parents, external contributors, etc.

How to teach in college?

To become a teacher in college, it is necessary to follow, after a license , the formation of the master MEEF specialized in the trades of teaching, education and training. This training includes in its teaching, oriented towards the practice of the profession, a preparation for the teacher recruitment competition. To teach in college, you must have passed the CAPES national competition . The competitions are organized at the end of the second year of the master’s degree.

Once they have passed the competition, the winners are appointed trainee teachers and assigned to an academy. Winners of external competitions must hold a master’s degree to be nominated.

The adaptation of the initial training path presupposes that an adequate time, different according to the path, is devoted to it.

In the course of the year, they formulate wishes for their first assignment as full professor. They then become certified teachers . It is also possible to teach in high school by holding the  aggregation competition.

Paid from his work-study year, a certified teacher starts at 2,000 euros gross monthly, once established. He can earn up to 3,626 euros gross monthly at the end of his career (excluding allowances and overtime).

Career: a profession that allows you to evolve

The middle school teacher is required throughout his career to update and complete his knowledge through continuing education.

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